Sunday, February 4, 2018

College Experience

        I started college in August 2015. When I first went to College I went to Indiana State University for only one semester. Personally, being three hours away from home was not enjoyable for me. I was not really home sick, but I was missing my boyfriend because I hung out with him every single day. He would come to visit me every 2 weeks, but he worked Fridays and would not get there until 10pm, and he would have to leave early Sunday. I just felt like I never got to be with him a lot. When I came home for Winter Break I did not want to go back. My dad made a last minute call to Joliet Junior College and I got into it right away with no problems. It was honestly the best decision I have ever made too. I started off with over $3000 and came home with less than $2000. For that time period of only one semester I spent all of that money. I could not even picture if I was still going there because I would really get the whole "broke college student" experience. Not only was a spending money so quickly, I also gained a ton of weight known to be the college 15. Being at home made me save my money way better, and also considering I now work at a fitness center I am able to get the membership for free, which helps me be more motivated to work out more. Now I am in my first semester of Lewis University. Overall, the experience is fantastic and it is not that much different from Joliet Junior College expect the walking outside to other buildings. I really think I am going to enjoy my last year of college at Lewis.

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