Monday, April 16, 2018

Mock Interrogation/Interview

         In class the other day we were put into two separate groups, and were given two separate cases. We had to prepare for a mock interrogation/interview. While given the case, the groups were to come up with ten or more questions to ask another individual from the other side of the room, to see if they had committed the crime, and tried to get that individual to confess to the crime. While picking the individual we had to sit up in front of the class, and ask the individual our questions that we had come up with. I was the interviewer in our case, but did not really play the part well. I am not good with being put on the spot, even though technically the other person was more on the spot than I should have been. I believe that we could have done a better job with preparing for the mock interrogation, I feel like it was just altogether thrown together. Overall, it was still a fun experience to go through, and I already know if I was the person who had to be interrogated I would defiantly be very nervous up there with the other individuals interrogating me because they were coming out hard, and were very good actors.

1 comment:

  1. Don't sell yourself short. You did great! And now you know a bit about how you will handle yourself in interviews. I see you as a "calm center." Every group needs that!


Final Blog Post!

Dear Future Self, I want to prepare yourself for the real world out there. I want to teach you new things that nobody has taught you befor...